Friday 20 May 2016

Coffee, Cardamom and Pistachio Cake | Celia's Saucer

There are lots of things that coffee commonly pairs superbly well with, and many others that you might not have considered. For instance, in some parts of the world, sweet coffee and goats cheese are partnered up for breakfast affairs and, lately, coffee is increasingly used in savoury cuisine.

Currently working with a coffee brand, I've become a little obsessed with the stuff, even though I shouldn't really drink it. However, no one said anything about not eating it and so I've been exploring a recipe or two. 

This cake is a recipe from Delia Online that I was particularly inspired by and it looks ever so beautiful. For those that love unusual combinations and something a little less sugary, it's an ideal number for afternoon tea, drank with something green, bright, and fresh. 


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