July 18, 2012

An Introduction to Poble Nou Cemetery

Today I decided that I wanted to be alone to do some thinking because I have been finding it hard to write. All those squirmy little thoughts came slithering and oozing their way back in and have been making me doubt myself. Somehow, being caught up in what you DON'T want to do makes you see what you DO want to do. However, now that I am suspended in time, which has also suddenly somewhat been extended, I feel a little lost. Like I don't know where to begin or even where it is going to end. The city is noisy, hot, distracting and makes me restless.
After a morning appointment failed to materialise, I grabbed my bike and pedaled away furiously, trying to keep to the shade to avoid the baking sun. I passed the beach, which was filled with tourists. I passed my old place of work and stopped by to share a bowl of pasta with my friend. And at last I pulled up to the station to put my bike away in front of my destination. The Cemetery at Poble Nou.
For me, cemeteries have always been a place of endless fascination and this one was no exception. I walked around open mouthed at how incredible it was. I suppose I am used to English cemeteries with old churches and old headstones like this one back in 2006.
But they do things a little differently here. See for yourself:
Yup! That's right! They bury their dead in giant drawers! With little windows where you can put trinkets and pictures like this:

I was blown away by each and every window and took plenty of time to look at as many as possible. However, the sun was pounding down on my head and so I swiftly moved into the shade. That is when I found the heart of the cemetery, which was so incredibly stunning that I will have to share it with you tomorrow.... SIT TIGHT. I'll be back.

July 18, 2012

Snapshots of San Sebastian

Snapshots of San Sebastian

July 16, 2012

La Vampira del Raval

La Vampira del Raval
"You know your office is the building opposite where a serial killer lived over a 100 years ago?" I said, sipping the last of my m...

July 11, 2012


Ooh how the years fly by, eh? My 26th is just drawing to a sweet finish and I boldly approach 27 with no employment, no home and no worries...

July 10, 2012

My First Kiss

My First Kiss
Good evening all. Tell me, do you remember your first kiss? Was it horrible? Was it pure bliss? Did you pucker up willingly, or did you resi...
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