November 16, 2012

Buddy Blogs #2

I is Buddy. And yes, I dids it.

I made watch. Behind the curtain. Her soapy ankles. Her quivering kneecaps.

She saw and cast me a cross look before blocking my view.

I waited.

And waited. 

I crept with stealth along the bath, my shadow dancing upons the curtain, my tail curling at the tip. Like that movie picture. What be the name?


Yes. Psycho.

Quietly I moved into the shower and onto the wooden plank.

I was so close, I could smells her.

I made watch.

I made watch.

I could smells her.

November 15, 2012

I Like to Swing

I Like to Swing
Things have been a little quiet over here at the Cafe Cat. I was doing that whole 'beating myself up' internally malarkey and it did...

November 13, 2012

Boston 1989

Boston 1989
There are some photos that remain crystal clear in your mind- as if the audible click of the lens has marked that moment for an eternity...

November 11, 2012

Little Things Sunday

Little Things Sunday
Wasn't it just a lovely, sunny Sunday? Definitely my favourite day of the week, I always try to get down to the boot fair to pick up boo...

November 07, 2012

Buddy Blogs #1

Buddy Blogs #1
Buddy is the kind of cat that everyone meets and says 'aww, he's nice, isn't he?' Then, slowly, their toothy grins and brig...
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