April 12, 2017

Blankets of Gold | #CapturedInWords

A short poem on light and rapeseed

(The rapeseed fields, Bilting, Kent) 

The light came so quickly after the darkness
As if it had never been dark at all
Soaring blue
And blossom 
And miles outstretched
Of gold blankets
Across the landscape
Woven for you 
As you stood there
And drew a breath
And filled yourself with life


April 11, 2017

There's a Body in the River | #CapturedInWords

There's a Body in the River | #CapturedInWords
Captured by a girl By a woman By a ghost Frame-locked and fixed  To the past And the present  The make believe  And the r...

April 03, 2017

Observations from China #6 | #CapturedInWords

Observations from China #6 | #CapturedInWords
' Willow branches graze the grass, As I sit in the shade drinking tea. A note from a flute blows clearly, Mingling with the...

March 19, 2017

Earl Grey & Nordic Salt Brownies | Celia's Saucer

Earl Grey & Nordic Salt Brownies | Celia's Saucer
Nigella Lawson's everyday brownie recipe is a fail safe, as well as being the perfect base for whatever you feel like chucking in...

March 18, 2017

London Pigeon | #CapturedInWords

London Pigeon | #CapturedInWords
London pigeons are a conversation starter  But this one is silent  Except for the sound of rice hitting stone  The fizzy twist of a...
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