October 07, 2012

A few insanely important things...

Good day all!

Lots of blogging to come this week but first I have to tell you a few things numbered 1, 2 and 3.

1. My Etsy Shop

The shop is filling on up with treasures and treats... click here to have a goosy gander. My fave item has to be these pretty little tits in a antique gold frame but there are plenty of other pretties to enjoy.
For those of you in the Kentish area, I will also be selling at the Courtyard Bazaar on Saturday the 17th of November. I had best get busy! My treasures don't find themselves.

2. My Guest Post

Yeeeeaaah. I did a little article for my web pal Sarah Turner this week. She's a sassy copywriting bean and she even sent me some sleek red pencils once. The article is all about languages, conversations and downright weird people. You can read it here.

3. I have a new Facebook page!

Yep, that's right. Now you can find me on Facebook, where I often post pictures of my daily actions, which normally involve walking through forests (and finding swings hanging on the old oaks), perverted cats and red things. I'd love it if you came over and clicked 'like'... You can find me here. Oh and if you type 'the Cafe Cat' into your Instagram, you'll find me there, too!

Happy Sunday!

October 04, 2012

A Home I Once Knew

A Home I Once Knew
I have been living in the UK now for just over three weeks. The first question people ask me is "What's it like to be back?" ...

October 02, 2012

The Veg Box Cafe, Canterbury

The Veg Box Cafe, Canterbury
Oh readers! If you knew the daily struggle I face for a good coffee over here in the UK then you'd all clutch your hats to your breast a...

September 25, 2012

An Autumn Walk at Sunset

An Autumn Walk at Sunset
The air was cool last night but warmed with the orange hue of the impending sunset. We pulled on our boots. Vicki, Bruce and I trudged out o...
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