February 18, 2013

So Spins the Silkworm

I'm working on the words, people. Sometimes though, it's really difficult to find anything to say. So I thought I'd let these pictures do the talking while I take advantage of this morning's sunshine and go up for a jaunt up in the woods. ..

A white sunrise, shrouded in mist.
Coffee for one and little notes.
Apt book titles. 
And eternal city musings.
Finding quiet places to eat beans.

Flouting traditions.
With sweet words from a dear friend and the truest of kindred spirits.

And never forgetting that Buddy is always listening.
He listens to us all. 

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February 14, 2013

A Canterbury Tale

A Canterbury Tale
Wandering around cities is what I do. If I can pick up a waif or stray to join me then so be it, but more often than not, I tread paths a...

February 13, 2013

Barcelona World Wander Series

Barcelona World Wander Series
I think a lot about the concept of home and where we can find it when we don't actually have a set of bricks to call our own. I don'...

February 12, 2013

Lu Ink Barcelona

Lu Ink Barcelona
Cropping up all over the city in various nooks and crannies are little projects, started by individuals, couples or groups that have invest...

February 11, 2013

Monday Dreaming

Monday Dreaming
It's Monday. It's cold and wet. And so it's time to dream... One day, it wouldn't surprise me that I should have my own...
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