June 09, 2013

A Cat's Life #10

The Cafe Cat
So here I am. In the capital city. It's only been one week but being here is pure exhilaration. I feel so free and surrounded by positive, happy energy- as if anything could happen. It doesn't hurt that there are so many people that I love here and haven't seen in so long. Nurturing my friendships with them has been paramount this week, as well as settling into my new job.  
After long months of quiet thought and rehabilitation, I'm absolutely brimming with joy that everything in this glorious cultural landscape is at my fingertips, waiting to be discovered and I'm completely prepared to take it all on. There's just not enough time to do it all!
I'm aware that rushing in isn't always the best approach so this weekend I took it relatively easy and started with a catch up and Aperol Spritz in Stoke Newington with my pal, Myles. We talked about the excitement of London and his housemate, Rufus the cat, who I hope to share with you on here soon.
Saturday saw sunny times in Highbury Fields and a little affogato at a wonderfully laid-back place on Camden Passage in Angel by the name of Kipferl.
Affogato Kipferl
With busy bodies hurrying past us to check out the threads at the market that is held here every weekend, it made the perfect spot for people watching... after such a long day, it called only for avocado on toast, a good read of Bram Stoker's Dracula on the sofa and an early night.

Sunday saw mischief making with my Laura at the Wallace Collection, a free museum and giant collection of art, tucked away from the hustle and bustle of Bond Street. We took tea in the stunning atrium, which is quiet and seems a million miles away.
The Wallace Collection
Tea at the Wallace Collection
They serve a cracking cup at a reasonable price and it's such a lovely way to spend a secret afternoon. 
Tea at the Wallace Collection
The museum also boasts a resplendent selection of armour, which you're welcome to try on but you must be warned, it's flipping heavy!
Armour at the Wallace Collection
So that's it folks. A gentle start to my new adventures. I have so many ideas for this blog, which seems to have hit a sort of odd diary-style composition. Watch this space. I really hope to bring you so much more. 

Thanks for reading. If you are new or even a frequent visitor, please leave a comment or follow- it's always lovely to know who's supporting you, to make new friends and to share the blog-love around. Please come by and like my Facebook page for daily quotes, pictures and musings. 

June 03, 2013

The Cafe Cat does London

The Cafe Cat does London
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May 22, 2013

A Cat's Life #9

A Cat's Life #9
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May 16, 2013

A Cat's Life #8

A Cat's Life #8
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May 08, 2013

A Day in Margate, Part Two

A Day in Margate, Part Two
As the sun was so brightly shining yesterday, I packed up my satchel and set off in the direction of Margate once more. When I arrived, the...
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