April 12, 2014

An Interview with Magasin

Ma Magasin Cross Stitch

When I was but the tender age of 22 and working in a city pub during a busy Sunday lunch, my manager pulled me aside and exclaimed "You can't go around wearing a badge that says DICKHEAD on it, Sally. Take it off immediately."

He was referring to my very purchase from Sarah at Ma Magasin, which is still fondly worn from time to time when I am feeling brash or discreetly want to get my message across without having to say it to anyone's face directly.

Sarah Fordham Berk, Twat, Jerk Badges
 Sarah is the kind of girl that is impossibly funny and after meeting through the world of social media and online shopping, we realised we also had mutual friends and so began many years of emailing and chit chat - we finally met at Renegade Craft Fair this year and so you could officially call us pals. 

Her shop is one that I always refer to for pretty bits and pieces to give to friends - her style amongst my circle is iconic and her tenacity is admirable: releasing her first book last year and cropping up in Liberty's shop window, she has been on the crafty scene for many years now.

Sarah, where are you from and why do you love where you live?
 I'm from the sunny south-east of England. I have lived in various bits of Kent and East Sussex over the years, but in the last decade I have mainly found myself 'up north'. I currently reside in very rainy Manchester. As much as I miss the countryside, it's nice to have so many things to see and do here...and the luxury of public transport (seriously, at one point back home there was only one bus that came once a week!!)

Ma Magasin Cross Stitch Shop
Why and when did you open Magasin?
Once I finished my Fine Art degree many, many moons ago, where I taught myself how to stitch and things...I wanted to carry on making and my dream was to make money from what I made. I foolishly set up an ebay shop, but at that time I hadn't heard of Etsy or anything like that. I chose the name 'Magasin' on a whim as it is French for 'shop' but I have never liked it, and am too lazy to change it. I may start working under my own name soon
Cross Stitch Face Badge  
What makes you different?
There are a fair few people working in cross stitch and embroidery and making similar things now, but we all have our own different take on it. A customer who follows my work recently said they could tell something was still 'me' even though I'd tried making something new, so I suppose I must have my own style, which is nice to know!

What's your favourite thing to do?
Apart from stitching (what a geek) I like to watch marathons of films and tv boxsets...and eat chocolate.
Ma Magasin
 How did we meet?
Back in the days of Myspace...a chance encounter in Debenhams and a proper rendez-vous at Renegade Craft Fair!

Describe your shop in three words
Stitched. Quirky. Silly.

Thanks, Sarah! Quite kindly, she has made The Cafe Cat readers their very own cat-themed giveaway prize - a copy of her Cross Stitch Book, a set of cat badges, a pair of earrings and a little ring. 
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Cross Stitch Cats
By Sarah Fordham

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