December 28, 2013

A Weekend Walk #1

Good day to you,

And how was your Christmas?

I don't know about you but boy am I glad to have had today to myself. Of course, it was wonderful to have all of the family together and sure, I'm missing the loved one who's scampered t'up North until the New Year, but there's something quite special about going for a long walk by oneself.  

Wouldn't you agree?

It occurred to me, after having had a quiet cup of coffee with a café cat who was sunning himself in the chair next to mine, that I often go for these jaunts and never quite capture them as much as I would like. Mostly because I feel like a first class twat with my iPhone out.

But quite frankly I have to ask myself 'who the hell is watching anyway?'

As I wandered through Broadway Market and alongside the canal this afternoon, I pulled out my camera to take a few snaps and if it's ok with you, I shall jolly well carry on in 2014 and beyond.
The Cafe Cat and Hot Jellied Eels

London Weekend Walk

Green Finch Coffee Boat

Gaswork Frames

Broadway Market Canal Boats

Old Face at Market Cafe



  1. Take your piccies woman! No need to feel ashamed - I was the only person on a plane taking photographs and I just grinned at people when they gave me questioning looks. Unsettled at least one old busybody. Some lovely shots here!

  2. Wonderful photos, is this in London? I love taking long walks by myself too. It's such a great place to think and do your own thing! :)

  3. Ruth - what were you snapping on the plane? Thanks :)

    Joelle, yup, it's Broadway Market in the North - you should check it out on normal market days, it's lovely!

  4. Your photographs are wonderful - I hope you do continue to carry on blogging them into the new year!

  5. Ooh, that is my very favourite way to pass a peaceful afternoon - and glad I'm not the only one! Loving the photos... Keep wandering and keep snapping away please.


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